Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Benefits of Positive Feedback

From the Soaring Eagle Enterprises Training Program: Coaching I-Positive and Corrective Feedback.

The benefits of positive feedback are immense and powerful. They include:

1. Performance increases. Team members want to perform to continue to receive praise and positive feedback. Team members that see others receiving positive feedback will increase their performance to receive it as well.

2. Increased engagement. Team members that are regularly and consistently provided with positive feedback will be more engaged and attached to the organization.

3. Reduced turnover. When team members feel appreciated they are much less likely to leave.

4. Potential for improvements are realized. Team members strive harder when they know they will be recognized for their work. Hidden potentials and performance elements previously not seen will be revealed.

5. Satisfaction levels rise. Team member satisfaction will increase when they receive constant and consistent positive feedback.

6. Corrective coaching is better received. Many times, the biggest reason that corrective coaching does not go well is because team members feel picked at or over-scrutinized. When positive feedback equals or is greater in volume than corrective feedback, this feeling is eliminated or reduced.

7. Morale is improved. After receiving positive feedback, the demeanor of team members is raised and collectively, that improves team morale.

8. Fear and avoidance of the boss is eliminated. Many team members avoid any contact or communication with the boss because the only time they hear from him or her is when things are bad or something went wrong. The use of consistent and constant positive feedback eliminates this avoidance.

9. Team and team member apathy is reduced or eliminated. Many team members perform at a good level or achieve something significant and hear nothing about it. Over a couple of occurrences, that team member will develop a “why bother” type of approach. When team members receive positive feedback, the apathy is eliminated.

10. Appearances of favoritism is reduced. When team members see the equal application and distribution of positive feedback, the appearance of favorite treatment is reduced.

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