Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday Mentor-Week 47-Thanksgiving for Leaders

Thanksgiving offers a unique time of the year to offer thanks and appreciation for those around us and the good fortune in which we have been bestowed.  The usual thankfulness involves family, friends, health, security and the availability of four days of football games.

In addition to the standard items, people in leadership positions need to be thankful for more. 

Team Members

The jobs of supervisors, managers and executives are uniquely dependent upon the ability and effort of those that they lead.  No matter what kind of relationship you may have with your boss, it is your team members that keep you in your job day in and day out.  When they perform well, you are successful.  When you fail to keep their support, you will fail.

Take a few moments this week and sincerely thank and appreciate the efforts of your team members.


Both internal and external customers drive the business need for your existence.  Without them, there is no need for your department or your organization.  Yes, they can sometimes be demanding, problematic and downright difficult but you need them desperately.  Your customers are the life's blood of the company. 

Far too often we assume that customers have no choice in their decisions or are locked in with us.  Even internal customers can choose to outsource the service that your group provides.

Find a way to communicate your appreciation to your customers this week.

Challenges and Opportunities

Leadership is challenging.  Problems roll up to your level.  Tough decisions need to be made and guidance needs to be provided.  You have to craft direction, coach team members and build strategic relationships with difficult people.

Thank goodness for all of those things.  It is these types of challenges that define your value to the organization and hone your skills.  If leadership were easy, anyone could do it.

Support Systems

All of us have support systems in which we rely upon nearly every day.  Spouses, friends, mentors and even our pets. 

When times are tough, they hear us out.  They encourage us and sometimes challenge us to continue to meet the rigors of our jobs.  They keep us going.

In the most sincere manner available, thank them.

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